Travel, Photography, Hobbyjournalism

Hello everyone, I'm Colin. Trough my parents I started to love traveling from a very young age on. They also triggered the passion for photography and videography of the places visited, especially the miracles of nature. My greatest dream was to live in the "Wild West" for once in my life. To discover more about its nature, people and culture.

When I was 16 this dream became true, when I went to live in Utah and attend an American High School for about a year. Without this year abroad I, for sure, would not be the person I am now. I started to enjoy an live the moments of my life.

Meanwhile I finished school in 2019 and started studying in my home town of Hannover. In my free time I write a book about my life as a foreigner abroad in the United States and host a travel podcast in German.


November 10, 1999
Colin Wojach was born on November 10, 1999 in Hannover, Germany as son of a Bank Saleswoman and an Engineer.
Elementary School
between August 2006 and July 2010 Colin went to Elementary School in the south of Hannover.
High School, Hannover
between August 2010 and June 2019 Colin went to a Comprehensive High School in Hannover.
08/2016 - 07/2017
Year Abroad at Davis High School, UT
from August 2016 to July 2017 Colin went during his International Student Exchange to Davis High School in Kaysville, Utah. During his time abroad he lived with a host family.
High School Diploma (Abitur), Hannover
In June 2019 Colin finished German High School with a diploma called "Allgemeine Hochschulreife" that qualifies him to study at a University.
since 10/2019
Undergraduate Studies at LUH
After High School Colin started his undergraduate studies in Industrial Engineering at Leibniz University Hannover. In October 2020 he switched his major to Economics and Business Administration.


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Das Projekt Across "X" Europe ist ein einmaliger Reisefilm der uns durch Europa trägt.


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